This post first appeared in 2010, a few days before the Presidential election. We all know what happened. Gibo lost. Noynoy won. What the frack, right? But let's move on.
Glancing up at my calendar a few minutes ago, I realized that in 2013 -- that's next year -- the Philippines will, yet again, hold its biggest and most extravagant beauty pageant slash money contest (read: Elections), when the poor rich politicians will have to endure the blistering heat atop their climate-controlled float, while shaking hands with people they'd rather not share the same air with under normal circumstances.
But it's the elections -- Philippines style! So, politicos, brace yourselves!
So I thought of reposting this entry; I hope no one would mind. I doubt if Gibo's joining though. I think he's had enough already.
Philippine politics is all about guns, goons, and gold. Or
so they say. But really, cold hard cash is the name of the game. Deny that
statement and I will call you a hypocrite. Wave a few thousand pesos at anyone
– or even a few hundred – and you’re the boss. The amount depends on the social
status, of course. And it doesn’t have to be in the monetary form. We see it in
the movies, “Panalunin mo ko at iaabswelto kita sa lahat ng mga kaso mo.” We
see it happening all the time. People compromise their principles for money. Hell,
even some prostitutes give in to fifty bucks. (This author cannot corroborate
this statement.)
One classmate asked me why I’m voting for Giibo as, according to him, my candidate has been lagging behind the others in the surveys. I replied that I don’t care about the surveys, because if the surveys are an indication of what will happened in the elections then what’s the point of spending millions when we can just do away with the elections and let the surveys decide who’s the next president.
(Written just days before the 2010 Philippine presidential election)
Glancing up at my calendar a few minutes ago, I realized that in 2013 -- that's next year -- the Philippines will, yet again, hold its biggest and most extravagant beauty pageant slash money contest (read: Elections), when the poor rich politicians will have to endure the blistering heat atop their climate-controlled float, while shaking hands with people they'd rather not share the same air with under normal circumstances.
But it's the elections -- Philippines style! So, politicos, brace yourselves!
So I thought of reposting this entry; I hope no one would mind. I doubt if Gibo's joining though. I think he's had enough already.
I am going full blast with my campaign to put Gibo Teodoro
in Malacanang.
For weeks now, I have been engaging people into verbal
combats as to who deserves to win the upcoming presidential elections. Sadly,
for most Filipinos, who would get the vote and who deserves to win are two
independent concepts. I say – do not place your bet on someone who does not deserve
the presidency. Simple.
You don’t vote for someone just because he’s the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Whoever – vote for the candidate who has the capability to run this
country. So what if he’s not popular? Popularity isn’t everything. Erap was
popular – he still is. But he got booted out of Malacanang, right? And what did
we do? We installed his family in Senate, for cry out loud! Why – because they’re
popular. Haven’t we learned our lesson yet?

A couple of days ago, I was reunited with my some of my old
college friends to catch up over coffee. Some are already in Law school, while
others are taking their Masters. So I was really interested in picking their
brains about the coming elections. One was for Noynoy Aquino, the other was for
MONEY Villar, another one was for Dick Gordon, and of course, I was for Gibo.
There we were, debating heatedly about the various issues
that the next president would have to tackle once installed in power. The discussion
was pretty interesting. Then – lo and behold – it suddenly shifted gears and veered
towards the subject of ‘winnability’. I tried to hide my disgust. But I puked a
little in my mouth.
One of them said that this is “first and foremost a popularity
contest”. True. But let’s not forget that the person whom we will be going to
the polls for will eventually run this country and will decide the fate of this
nation. I was with very smart people at the time. But I feel that smart people
who list ‘winnability’ in their criteria in voting for a candidate should be punished
or something; like have them castrated in public or whatnot.

Okay, and while we’re on the topic of popularity, why don’t
we vote for Manny Pacquiao in the next presidential election. And let Charice
Pempengco be his running mate. They would be unbeatable, for sure.
One classmate asked me why I’m voting for Giibo as, according to him, my candidate has been lagging behind the others in the surveys. I replied that I don’t care about the surveys, because if the surveys are an indication of what will happened in the elections then what’s the point of spending millions when we can just do away with the elections and let the surveys decide who’s the next president.
Another commented that she actually likes Gibo but felt that
her vote would just go to waste because “there is no way in hell that he’ll win
in May.” So she’s placing her bet on Noynoy instead for the simple reason that
she dislikes Villar. Some very mature analysis there. Dumb girl.
Luckily, my co-Gibo supporter counter attacked, “If you and
the millions of Filipinos who WANT to vote for Gibo but WILL vote for Noynoy
just because you people are scared that your votes would be for naught, then
Gibo would certainly not win.” That shut her up.
(Written just days before the 2010 Philippine presidential election)
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